

Thursday 11 June 2015

Minecraft Alamo

Screenshots from my Alamo project that have been sitting on my desktop for several weeks

This was our basic layout for the Alamo - Day 1

This was what you saw as you entered - Day 1

This was our secondary entrance for the Alamo - Day 2

This is the front of the church - Day 3

This is the back of the church - Day 3

The cannons on the wall - Day 4

front of the Barracks - Day 4

End product - Day 5

End product - Day 5

Friday 5 June 2015

Robocraft Day 5

Today i hit Tier 4 and unlocked Aerofoils and Rudders, i placed 4 aerofoils on the sides to get me into the air and the rudder is used to turn in the air. It is propelled by thrusters and i have Plasma guns on the bottom because i learned that SMGs are very inaccurate from far away.

I didn't expect to like this game but i was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoy the game and even started to play it on my own time outside of school. I would recommend the game to friends. I think the game is better played with friends, as tactics can be the difference between winning and losing, and communication can play a big role in the outcome of the match. 

Robocraft, like many computer games is controlled using the WASD keys to move and the mouse to look, build, and shoot. When you start up the game you are presented with a default vehicle, which i suggest you sell and replace with your own right away, but if you want to save up your money then keeping it might not be a bad idea if you can do well with it. You can practice with it in the Practice mode by hitting E followed by the P key. Place blocks by left clicking and remove them by right clicking. The objective of the game is to destroy the other teams crystal, without letting yours get destroyed. As i said earlier, tactics, including communication, are very important and can give you the upper hand in a battle. I recommend prioritizing your armor and upgrading it before your guns or wheels, it will make a dramatic difference. When placing your guns on your ship, make it so that they are able to shoot without being blocked by your vehicle or other guns, having all your weapons accessible to shoot at your target will be very useful in 1 on 1 encounters. 

                 Robocraft is a very Pay-To-Win game. In these types of games, the people that spend the most money, will be the best/strongest players in the game, for somebody to match them without paying, would take hundreds of hours of playing. Games like that can become very boring for a lot players for that reason. Players in Robocraft are very willing to help each other out with tips and advice, so i think it has a great community in that aspect. Robocraft has been going strong for quite a while now and i believe it will continue to do so for a long time.                                   

Thursday 4 June 2015

Robocraft Day 4

Today i discovered Plasmas, you cannot have more than one type of gun on your vehicle so i must either build a new ship or take off my SMGs. Because i don't have enough money for multiple plasmas, i'm going to wait until tomorrow and then try them out on a new vehicle.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Robocraft day 3

This is my current vehicle design, i got to tier 3 and upgraded more guns and armor, I learned to use shields that i bought with tier 3 tokens to protect my guns and tires.

Robocraft day 2

Today i leveled up to tier 2 by upgrading my guns,armor and my wheels. I learned about the Different Tier tech tokens needed to by higher tier equipment. I kept the same model of my vehicle because it works well.

Monday 1 June 2015

Robocraft Day 1

Today i built my first vehicle, i learned it is better to have teammates go into the battle with you rather than go by yourself. I only one 1 out of the 3 games that i played.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Algadoo Deliver the Goods

3 out of 3 successful attempts

cant do dropbox link because load file is messed up

Thursday 16 April 2015

Flag Re-created

                                                                      Flag Re-Created

                  Original                                                                                     Waving

Monday 13 April 2015

March 2015 News

March 2015 News

Tuesday 10 March 2015

William B. Travis

William B. Travis was a lawyer and a solider, he became a lieutenant colonel in the Texas Army at the age of 26. He was born on August 1st, 1809 and died on March 6th, 1836. He died at the battle of the Alamo, fighting for the independence of Texas. He's remembered for being the Texas commander at the Battle of the Alamo.

Image result for William Barret Travis Image result for William Barret Travis Image result for William Barret Travis


References :

James Bowie

James Bowie was born on March 10th, 1796 in Kentucky, and died March 6th, 1836. He was an american soldier and fought for the independence of Texas at the Alamo in 1836. It was during this battle that he died. He's famous for being a hero, he fought in many battles while he was alive. The "Bowie Knife" became famous On September 19th, 1827, when he stabbed an opponent with a large knife.

Image result for james bowie Image result for james bowie Image result for james bowie


The Alamo

In 1835, Mexico sought to overthrow the President Santa Anna, but the revolutions soon focused from Santa Anna, to making Texas an independent state. IN response, Santa Anna ordered his troops to execute all foreign fighters they met. On February 23rd 1836, Santa Anna attacked the Alamo with his army, where 180-260 men were waiting, including Davy Crockett and James Bowie. 2 attacks were successfully defended against, but the third attack overthrew them. For the Texans, the battle of Alamo was a symbol of their fight for independence. The Texans gained independence on April 21st, 1836.

               Image result for 1836 The Alamo Image result for 1836 The Alamo                                                       Image result for 1836 The Alamo