

Tuesday 10 March 2015

William B. Travis

William B. Travis was a lawyer and a solider, he became a lieutenant colonel in the Texas Army at the age of 26. He was born on August 1st, 1809 and died on March 6th, 1836. He died at the battle of the Alamo, fighting for the independence of Texas. He's remembered for being the Texas commander at the Battle of the Alamo.

Image result for William Barret Travis Image result for William Barret Travis Image result for William Barret Travis


References :

James Bowie

James Bowie was born on March 10th, 1796 in Kentucky, and died March 6th, 1836. He was an american soldier and fought for the independence of Texas at the Alamo in 1836. It was during this battle that he died. He's famous for being a hero, he fought in many battles while he was alive. The "Bowie Knife" became famous On September 19th, 1827, when he stabbed an opponent with a large knife.

Image result for james bowie Image result for james bowie Image result for james bowie


The Alamo

In 1835, Mexico sought to overthrow the President Santa Anna, but the revolutions soon focused from Santa Anna, to making Texas an independent state. IN response, Santa Anna ordered his troops to execute all foreign fighters they met. On February 23rd 1836, Santa Anna attacked the Alamo with his army, where 180-260 men were waiting, including Davy Crockett and James Bowie. 2 attacks were successfully defended against, but the third attack overthrew them. For the Texans, the battle of Alamo was a symbol of their fight for independence. The Texans gained independence on April 21st, 1836.

               Image result for 1836 The Alamo Image result for 1836 The Alamo                                                       Image result for 1836 The Alamo

Thursday 5 March 2015

illusion 3

My third optical illusion in minecraft
a 2D cube that looks as if it's 3D,
All done by myself in one day

M.C. Escher illusion 2

                                   M.C. Escher waterfall illusion in Minecraft

Done in 1 day by myself.